Check out this awesome new campaign for the N-series of Nokia Phones. The idea is a virtual competition between two artists: Pjotro, a musician/dancer/engineer who has made a special suit that makes music in response to his movements, and DJ eFFex, an amazing beat-boxer. Using your mouse you can create a dance-off between the two; the artist that commands the most mouse time wins. This is very cool.
PS - I'm not clear on whether these two actually exist or were just made up by Nokia. From looking at some videos online, I'd guess that eFFex is real, Pjorto is made up.
[Via RGS]
Thanks for this, and I wanted to note that Nokia NSeries has prepared another suprise, which can be viewed on their Nseiries webpage. To find out more, go there. Unfortunately, I don't remember the page but it should be easily found through google search...
Posted by: PjotroDjEffex | February 26, 2007 at 01:25 AM
The other guy may be also real, check out . My guess is a lot of "his" samples come from an old NES...
Posted by: Ari | February 27, 2007 at 06:03 PM