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February 07, 2007



You forgot the most important site in the article - Vimeo. That one is where the future of video communities will be. At it's New York Magazine, not NYT...

Christine Seddon

This was an interesting read. Myspace and Facebook are great social networking sites that are essentially ubiquious, therefore attracting young individuals to jump onto this bandwagon fad. In addition to sites like these, from a video game standpoint, recent statistics show that 32% of Americans play video games on wireless devices such as a cell phone or a PDA where they also must include personal information about themselves in certain multi-player games.
The second largest genre of computer games (20%) happens to be family & Children's games. With World of Warcfart being the top selling computer game in 2005.

Christine Seddon

I spelled ubiquitous. Ooops.

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